Vol. 22 No. 1
Original articles

Analysis of the factors that influence the decision of nursing students to partecipe in study programs abroad

Martina Tomadon
Università degli Studi di Torino
Giorgio Bergesio
University of Turin

Published 2022-08-23


  • Study abroad,
  • International exchanges,
  • Nursing students


Introduction. Studying abroad allows university students to carry out a period of training at a high school in another country. In literature, many advantages as well as disadvantantages are highlighted to the subscription of nursing students to international ex-changes. The objective of the study is to explore the motivating and hindering factors which influence participation in study programs abroad in a sample of students of the Degree Course in Nursing of the University of Turin in Asti.

Methods. From 8 May 2020 to 29 July 2020, a questionnaire was administred, whose formulation took place through the identification of three modules present in literature, subsequently processed to be in line with the objective of the study. The tool was administered to the sample under study (n=263) in online mode with the help of the extender of Google Forms ®.

Results. The prevalence lies in personal e professional growth, followed by the possibility of increasing one’s language skills. The sample under study identified the economic barrier  as the main obstacle in joining the program, followed by family obligations.

Discussion. Studying abroad represents a valuable opportunity and an opportunity for growth for nursing students. The University must commit itself in the years to come to promote the program, enhancing its advantages through structured approaches.

Key words: Study abroad, International exchanges, Erasmus, Nursing students.