Una via noetica per la filosofia della natura

Prospettive metafisiche di un’indagine schellinghiana sulla Dialettica trascendentale

  • Andrea Dezi Università di Teramo


A noetic way to naturephilosophy. Following F.W.J. Schelling’s analyses on I. Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic, the Author will study the possibilityof an a priori conception of nature and its metaphysical determination as a potentia non existendi.
The hypothesis of a metaphysical identity between thought and nature will be explored through an inquiry into the rationality of natural beings; or rather, through the analysis of a rational – but not rationalising – comprehension
of them, traceable to their connection with a noetically – determined Being. This comprehension, which includes a special reflection on spatiality as the form of existence of natural beings, will prove to be equidistant from understanding nature as a material foundation of intellectual faculties, on the one hand, and reducing it to Spirit itself, on the other hand.
