La problematica della trascendentalità dal punto di vista della prima interpretazione heideggeriana della ricerca scientifica

  • Dimitri Ginev Università di Konstanz
Parole chiave: Hermeneutics, Mathematics, Nature, Ontological Difference, Cognitive Existentialism


The principal aim of this article is to examine the relations between the scenario of introducing the ontological difference in the program of hermeneutics of facticity and the interpretation of the process of de-worlding (Ent-weltlichung) as it takes place in scientific objectification. The underlying purpose is to inform the engagement of the constitutional analysis of meaning with the contextuality of scientific research in order to illuminate the possibility of applying hermeneutic phenomenology to the constitution of meaningful objects of inquiry as they get contextually produced before any identification of them in accordance with epistemological criteria of objectivity. In this regard, the concept of cognitive existentialism gets spelled out. A special attention is devoted to Heidegger's early notion of hermeneutic situation.
