Il progetto di rinnovamento del trascendentale in Deleuze

  • Pierre Montebello Università di Toulouse
Parole chiave: Deleuze, Transcendental, Cosmology, Time, Virtual


The paper aims at illustrating the project of renewal and purification of the transcendental achieved by Deleuze. Through an original synthesis of the thought of Sartre, Simondon and especially Bergson, Deleuze wants to separate radically the transcendental from the realm of subjectivity, in order to show that it takes its place on an impersonal and cosmological level, from which the subject itself has its genesis. This renewal of the transcendental is analyzed here in its quadruple dimension: immanent, ontological, cosmological, and temporal. By the comparison between the subjectivist and phenomenological tradition on the one hand and the Deleuze's project on the other, inverted possible worlds draw themselves: a world that mirrors man and a world in which "man is absent".
