Il quadrato ermeneutico
DOI: chiave:
hermeneutics, ontology, Gadamer, subjectual, objectualAbstract
This paper introduces the idea of a hermeneutical square, which stems from the major philosophical contributions of Truth and Method. The first of these contributions is the introduction of a vigorous debate between structuralism and hermeneutics in the European cultural context, about the role and limits of human sciences. The second one is the “basic proposal” of considering knowledge as an experience of objectivity (of the being). And last but not least, the alleged theological background of Gadamerian philosophy, pointed out by some unfortunate assessments of Gadamer’s philosophical value. The hermeneutical square is a conceptual instrument designed to deal with the epistemological side of “the hermeneutics of the world”, beyond Heideggerian Ge–viert ontology. The square results from a further division of the classical subjective–objective opposition, through which the subjective (personal) is distinguished from the subjectual (artistic) and the objectual (scientific) is separated from the objective (referred to the being).This analytical tool should improve the accuracy of the hermeneutical approach to an appropriate philosophy of Verstehen.