La portata politica del “pensiero debole” di Gianni Vattimo

  • Giovanni Giorgio
Parole chiave: weak thought, politics, nihilism, democracy


The political strength of Weak Thought, which is linked the leftist political tradition, is apparent in the refusal of the violence of metaphysics – understood in Heideggerian terms. In fact, also the leftist political tradition has never provided metaphysical arguments, only justifications taken from the “philosophy of history”, calling for a becoming of history which could be interpreted as a potentially emancipative succession of events, which needed to be recognized and actively promoted. Along these lines we could propose a comparison between Hermeneutics and Proceduralism. Against any “natural” or “given” fact, both orientations envision a dialogical and persuasive negotiation, aimed at reaching a resolution legitimated by shared rules. This perspective can be regarded as a project towards a democracy founded on the memory and vision of Europe.
