Per il diritto al giorno di festa

  • Ezio Gamba
Parole chiave: Festa, Hermann Cohen, Lavoratori, Sabato, Sabato ebraico, Eguaglianza


In 1869, the twenty-six year old Hermann Cohen held a lecture on the Jewish Sabbath and, more specifically, on its social significance. Cohen showed the enduring value (which cannot be considered as overcome) of the commandment regarding the observance of the Shabbat. Despite its unilateralism and limitations, this youthful work by Cohen appears to be absolutely timely today within a context where the social value of a day of rest equal for all workers is increasingly challenged to the point of being regarded as obsolete. On the contrary, Cohen’s reflections provide excellent arguments for defending the workers’ right to a day of rest equal for all – even (developing Cohen’s reflections beyond the letter of their text), a true right to holidays.
