La lente complessa dell’economia, o delle formiche e del loro formicaio
(Disponibile anche in inglese: A Complex Lens for Economics, or: About Ants and their Anthill, pp. 167-177)
DOI: chiave:
Abduzione, ABM, Simulazione basata sugli agenti, Formicaio, Complessità, Simulazione sociale computazionale cognitiva, Economia neoclassica, NEtLogo, Filosofia ed economia, Philosophy Politics and Economics, Olismo pragmatico, PYTHON, Scelta razionale, Riduzionismo, Spazio di possibilità, SWARMAbstract
Thinking of agent-based models in terms of artifacts, useful to explore economic complexity, means introducing three concepts: on a technical side, an agent-based methodology; in a social sciences perspective, the idea of building artifacts also within the social domain; in a more general view, the idea of complexity. Bearing in mind the theoretical roots of cybernetics and, more recently, of complexity science, we need also technical roots, with the capability of building models that are acceptable to a wide audience, of comparing classic and new models, and of proposing hybrid structures as well. Finally, we need to pay attention to the agents’ abilities, mainly in mimicking the human capability for learning and adapting.
