La relazionalità della festa: pietas, dono, gratitudine

(The Relationality of Festivals: Pietas, Gift, and Gratitude)

  • Francesco Russo
Keywords: Gift, Festival, Filiality, Gratitude, Liberality, Pietas


Festivals can only be understood if one reflects with a philosophical eye on the data made available through cultural anthropology. Celebrating is a uniquely human phenomenon concerning the fundamental structures of personal existence. Among such structures, the essay focuses on the relationality that is evident in all festivals. During festivals, one practices relational virtues. The essay addresses piety, liberality, and gratitude. Today, many speak of the crisis of festivals. In order to evaluate the authenticity of festivals, it is helpful to examine whether relational virtues are safeguarded and practiced in the festival. Authentic festivals strengthen social bonds and develop an awareness of the identity of the social community.
