Lo spazio necessario

Italian Editorial

  • Enrico Guglielminetti


Had Heidegger not become for some time now (and perhaps for a while longer) an embarrassing presence for thought, one could have invited a reflection on Space (in philosophy, in science, in architecture, etc.) via some of his dynamic tautologies such as:

“Space spaces (Der Raum räumt).”

“How can we find the special character of space (das Eigentümliche des Raumes)? […] In the word “space,” what speaks is a making space (Darin spricht das Räumen).

How does making-space happen (Wie geschieht das Räumen)? Is it not making-space-internally (das Einräumen) […]? First, making-room-internally admits something (Einmal gibt das Einräumen etwas zu).”

In a time of saturation when space seems to be nonexistent (one can think of Michael Wolf’s photographic cycles Tokyo Compression and Architecture of Density, http://photomichaelwolf.com/#tokyo-compression/1), going back and reflecting on space, which perhaps is not but can be produced, may be a way of rethinking the question of being.
