Mistica dell'intensità e dispositivi di saturazione

  • Federico Leoni
Parole chiave: Compagnie assicurative, Intensità, Saturazione, Sintomo, Sublime


Our age loves intensity, it loves events. This is our truth, this is our symptom. What hides in all this? What is the link between this fondness and its reversal, namely, the agonizing attention and the amount of technical resources that we incessantly destine to the realm of planning, prevention, and insurance against the unforeseen? Our epoch is fond of traumas and entirely insurance-oriented. Danger is the object of both desire and the most stubborn distancing. In our horizon there is a third item, however, an even more mysterious one. At some point, because of a tortuous anthropological need, we turn that series of instruments and strategies against themselves. We long for the planning of the event, we commit all resources to the paradoxical attempt at planning that which cannot be planned, at planning the occurrence of the unforeseen, at building the absolute with pieces of what is relative. How can we think of intensity, saturation, and absolute in an epoch that seems both to desire and to screen the one with all possible resources?
