Lavorazioni intrecciate e prassi compositive presso lo studio di Christopher Young. Risultati preliminari di una ricerca sul campo


  • Andrea Bruno
  • Ilario Meandri
  • Giulia Ferdeghini


This essay presents the preliminary results of field research conducted at the studio of North American composer Christopher Young. The main objective of the research is to explore contemporary compositional practices in film music in the context of the digital revolution. The field observation focused on Christopher Young's team's music production for three films: The Autopsy (David Prior, 2022), Millenium Media’s The Offering (Oliver Park, 2023), and The Piper (Erlingur Thoroddsen, 2023).

Through direct field observation and analysis of materials collected between December 2021 and March 2022, we offer an account of composer-music team interactions, highlighting the ways in which the various members collaborate and their operational practices with a direct field observation that, to the authors’ knowledge, has never been attempted in the literature. We also expose the variety of technical and creative solutions adopted on different music productions, highlighting the flexibility and multiformity of current processes. The methodology used combines archival investigation with ethnographic techniques, bringing to light the complexity and layering of documentary sources generated during the production process.

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How to Cite

Bruno, A., Meandri, I., & Ferdeghini, G. (2024). Lavorazioni intrecciate e prassi compositive presso lo studio di Christopher Young. Risultati preliminari di una ricerca sul campo. Gli Spazi Della Musica, 10, 123–164. Retrieved from

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