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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under current consideration for another journal (or an explanation for it has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is supplied in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Available URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is written in a 12-point font, uses italics for titles of works and for words that do not belong to the main language of the article, does not use bold type, underlining, indent, or tabulation. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (Linee guida per gli autori).
  • In case of submission to the peer-reviewed section of the journal (Saggi), the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Reviewhave been followed.

Author Guidelines

«Gli spazi della musica» adopts the following editorial guidelines:

In general:

The basic typeface is Roman, 12-point type. Use italics for titles (both in the main text and in the footnotes) and for foreign words. Avoid bold type and underlining, indents and tabulations.

Short quotations (up to three lines) should be reproduced within double quotation marks («…»); quoted passages of a certain length (over three lines) should be set in smaller type than the text itself and in reduced justified script, without quotation marks.

Short verse quotations should be reproduced between double quotation marks (« »), with a slash (/) between each verse, preceded and followed by a space; a double slash (//) should be used to separate different stanzas.

Ex.: Con questo atto hanno superato il centro «’l punto / al qual si traggon d’ogne parte i pesi».

Quotations which reproduce several verses should be given in a column without inverted commas or slashes.

Ex.: Rispuosemi: «Non omo, omo già fui,
e li parenti miei furon lombardi,
mantoani per patrïa ambedui».
(Inf. I, vv. 67-69).

If the quotation contains further quotations, these should be identified within double inverted commas.

Ex.: «Ancora si ritiene che “il frutto ultimo” della critica dantesca [...]».

In quoted passages, intentional omission – even of a single word – must be indicated by means of three dots within square brackets: […].

Ex.: See above.

Always, please, indicate key names in full.

Ex.: E flat, F sharp minor.

Images should be set in 300 dpi resolution in jpg, tif, gif, png or pdf format. Please send them separately from the text, supplying the exact insertion point for the pagination.

Musical examples should be submitted as image files in one of the formats listed above.

Modifications to original files in the case of re-writing musical examples will be discussed with the author.

Please submit audio or multimedia files in high resolution (for ex. wave) or as mp3 of high sound quality.

Authors are required to verify that images and all reproductions (graphic, video and audio files) are not under copyright, or else obtain formal approval for the publication.

Notes and bibliographical references:

For books, bibliographical quotations follow this order: author’s first name and surname in small capitals, title of the book in italics (put a dot between the title and the subtitle), translator’s name if available, place, publisher, year.

Ex.: Nino Pirrotta, Scelte poetiche di musicisti. Teatro, poesia e musica da Willaert a Malipiero, Venezia, Marsilio, 1987.

For contributions in periodicals or newspapers, indicate the author's name in small capitals and the title of the article in italics, followed by the title of the journal in Roman type between quotation marks (« »), including, as necessary series or volume in Roman numerals, number of the issue in Arabic number, year within round brackets and page(s).

Ex.: Cesare Questa, Soggetti antichi nel teatro d’opera, «Il Saggiatore musicale», XV, 1 (2008), pp. 97-105: 100-101.

If the contribution is an essay in a miscellaneous volume, the title of the volume should be preceded by <in>.

Ex. (collection of essays by several authors): William Kinderman, The Genesis of the Music, in A Companion to Wagner's “Parsifal”, ed. by William Kinderman and Katherine R. Syer, Rochester (NY), Camden House 2005, pp. 133-175.
Ex. (collection of one author’s writings): André Breton, Manifesto of Surrealism (1924), in Id., Manifestoes of Surrealism, trans. by Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1969, pp. 1-47.

If you are citing a chapter from a monograph, please write it in Roman type within double inverted commas, after the § symbol.

Ex. Marianne Wheeldon, Debussy’s Legacy and the Construction of Reputation, New York – Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, § “The Controversy over Ode à la France”, pp. 98-132.

If you are quoting an essay from conference proceedings or referring to the conference itself, the title of the conference should appear in Roman type within double inverted commas.

Ex.: Christian Wolf, Anklänge und Zitate in der “Schweigsamen Frau”, «Richard Strauss-Jahrbuch», 2009, pp. 85-100 (Proceedings of the Conference “Richard Strauss und Stefan Zweig”, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Richard-Strauss-Institut, 28-30 November 2008).

To quote a dissertation, indicate the type of dissertation (degree dissertation, PhD dissertation, habilitation), University, faculty if known, year.

Ex.: Piero Damilano, Il posto di Giovenale Ancina nella storia della musica, degree dissertation, Università di Torino, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, a.a. 1950-1951.

The bibliographical source of a direct quotation will immediately follow the quotation itself; in the event that the author refers to a source without quoting it directly, this will be preceded by the designation <cf.>.

Bibliographical information about original editions should be provided in round brackets.

Ex.: Wilhelm Seidel, Il ritmo, trans. by Claudio Annibaldi, Bologna, il Mulino, 1987 (orig. ed. Rhythmus. Eine Begriffsbestimmung, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1976).

Quotations in note must be followed by a comma (no full stop) after the quotation marks and before the indication of the source.

More than one source indicated in note must be separated by a semicolon, not by the full stop.

If the original quotation is given, supply a translation in round brackets; if the translation is your own, please provide this information.

Ex.: Charles Burney, The Present State of Music in France and Italy, or the Journal of a Tour through Those Countries, Undertaken to Collect Materials for a General History of Music, London, Becket, 1771; mod. ed. Percy A. Scholes, London, Oxford University Press, 1959, p. 21 (it. transl. Viaggio musicale in Italia, ed. by Enrico Fubini, Torino, EDT, 1979, p. 24).

In the case of multiple authorship, write each name consecutively separated by dashes if they are three or less. If more, give the first name followed by [et al.]. Avoid using the abbreviation AA.VV.

The curators must not be indicated at the beginning, as authors, but always after the title and Roman (not small capitals).

Ex.: Libro delle mirabili difformità, ed. by Corrado Bologna, Milano, Bompiani, 1977.

When citing from foreign editions, indicate the place of publication in the language of the book.

Ex.: Paris, London, etc.

Any conjunctions, abbreviations and other bibliographical indications appear in the language in which the essay is written.

Ex.: hrsg. → ed. by ; et, und → and

To indicate more than one publisher or place of publication, give the information, separating words with dashes. If more than three, indicate only the first one followed by [etc.] in square brackets.

Ex.: New York - Amsterdam.
Ex.: Kassel [etc.].

To quote an edition subsequent to the first, indicate the number of the edition in Arabic numbers as superscript.

Ex.: Giorgio Pestelli, L’età di Mozart e di Beethoven, Torino, EDT, 19912.

For works published in several volumes, indicate the volume number in Roman numerals before the page number, omitting the word <vol.>.

Ex.: Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, Flegeljahre. Eine Biographie, Berlin, Reimer, 1849, I, p. 187.

To quote a web page, indicate the uploading institution, the page title, the URL and the consultation date.

Ex.: The Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies (San José State University), Resources for Beethoven Research, (last accessed on August 13, 2018).

If the URL is very long, use URL abbreviators, as


To quote from a LP, CD, DVD booklet indicate, after the usual indication of author and title, the source preceded by <in> as follows: composer, title of the document, record label, date of © or phonogram, medium type, serial number, page number if given.

Ex.: Bernard Jacobson, Beethoven: Late String Quartets, in Ludwig van Beethoven, Die späten Streichquartette, EMI, © 1984, cd, CDS 7 47135 8, p. 4.

For each quotation give the bibliographical references in a footnote. The footnote reference number should appear as a superscript after punctuation marks.

The footnote numbering should be in a continuous row of Arabic numerals throughout the whole article.

Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of each page (no final notes); type size 10‑point.

If the volume has already been quoted, use the initial letter for the author’s first name, followed by surname, title without the relevant subtitle and <cit.>.

Ex.: M. Toolan, Narrative Progression in the Short Story, cit., p. 15 [or pp. 15-18].

Quotation of the same text in two successive footnotes:

  • if the quotation relates to another page of the text cited in the previous footnote, use Ibidem followed by page number(s).

Ex.: Ibidem, p. 18 [or Ibidem, pp. 16-19].
  • if the quotation relates to the same page of the text cited in the previous footnote, use Ibidem without any other indication.

  • please avoid the abbreviation Ibid.

  • you can use Id. or Ead. (m/f) in the case you cite a book by the same author in the same note, but the full name of one author shall be indicated if another text by the same author appears in another footnote.

Please indicate page numbers in full.

Ex.: pp. 134-135 (not pp. 134-35).

In quotations, the journal also uses the indications infra (below), passim (many times), supra (above).

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