About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Music resonates in space and lives in it. In turn, space, resonant, lives in music; this measures it and defines its contours. The journal «Gli spazi della musica» aims to study the impact of music on other disciplines, exploring their relationships and rethinking their boundaries. For this purpose, musicological research will be approached from an interdisciplinary perspective. The main areas of interest of the journal are comparative studies, musical dramaturgy, performance and gender studies.
The journal publishes original research, paying particular attention to constantly updating sources. Each contribution is provided with tags relating to the type of content, in order to offer readers the opportunity to perform simple and cross-reference research. The articles are presented in pdf, ready for download and printing.

Peer Review Process

«Gli spazi della musica» adheres to the Berlin declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities It is an online open access journaland will be in registered in the future in open libraries. The papers of the first section, Saggi, are subjected to a blind peer-review process, through referees of the members of the Scientific Committee. It does not have submission nor article processing charges.
The journal accepts submissions in Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish.

Detailed editorial policy: ITA, ENG.

Open Access Policy

«Gli spazi della musica» adheres to the Berlin declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities It is an online open access journaland will be in registered in the future in open libraries. The papers of the first section, Saggi, are subjected to a blind peer-review process, through referees of the members of the Scientific Committee. It does not have submission nor article processing charges.

Following the principles expressed in Budapest Open Access Initiative, «Gli spazi della musica» guarantees to everyone the rights to freely download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy the contents published in the journal, on the only condition to explicitly attribute the intellectual property to the authors.

Article and Submissions Processing Charges (APC)

«Gli spazi della musica» does not apply processing or submission charges.

Scientific Committee

Giorgio Pestelli, Università di Torino

Margaret Ruth Butler, University of Florida
Vittorio Coletti, Università di Genova
Annarita Colturato, Università di Torino
Michele Cometa, Università di Palermo
Davide Daolmi, Università di Milano
Fabrizio Della Seta, Università di Pavia (Cremona)
Marco Emanuele, Università di Torino
Anselm Gerhard, Universität Bern
Maurizio Giani, Università di Bologna
Philip Gossett, University of Chicago - Università «La Sapienza» di Roma
Giovanni Guanti, Università Roma Tre
Ignazio Macchiarella, Università di Cagliari
Franco Marenco, Università di Torino
Guido Paduano, Università di Pisa
Marco Santoro, Università di Bologna
Luca Zoppelli, Université de Fribourg