Custodire la distanza. Una riflessione sulla profondità come dimensione amorosa a partire da François Jullien
This paper presents a reflection on depth as the dimension in which the experience of love takes place. Because depth is co-instituited with the motor ability of a subject who is capable of going through space, it is the necessary condition for two subjects to approach each other. Referring to François Jullien’s notion of de-coincidence, in its various forms, this paper attempts to value distance and the “écart”, as the two main aspects of the relation with the other.
Come citare
Amoroso, P. (2022). Custodire la distanza. Una riflessione sulla profondità come dimensione amorosa a partire da François Jullien. Philosophy Kitchen - Rivista Di Filosofia Contemporanea, (16), 61-72.
I. Teorie d'amore