Writings on performance


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Author Biography

Antonio Pizzo, University of Turin

Since 2001, is Associate Professor at University of Turin where he teaches Theatre and Multimedia, and Dramaturgy. He is the founder and a project designer for www.officinesintetiche.it, where he has been collaborating with different artists. In the last ten years his research has been focused on performance, drama and technology. He is one of the founder of CIRMA (Centro per la Ricerca sul Multimediale e l’Audiovisivo – www.cirma.unito.it) where he contributed to develop a computational model of drama (i.e. the Drammar Ontology) and a study on synthetic character as virtual museum guide (http://dramatour.di.unito.it). On this topic he wrote Teatro e mondo digitale (Venezia, Marsilio, 2003), Neodrammatico digitale: Scena multimediale e racconto interattivo (Torino, Accademia, 2013); he has published numerous paper in journals and proceedings in Multimedia, Virtual Storytelling, and Artificial Intelligence. Beside, grounded on his Phd dissertation on vernacular actors in Italy, he has develop a specific interest for the cultural implications of Neapolitan Theatre, publishing a number of papers and essays. His book Scarpetta e Sciosciammocca. Nascita di un buffo (Roma, Bulzoni, 2009) is about the pivotal figure of Eduardo Scarpetta and the born of the comic character Don Felice Sciosciammocca. For a detailed list of publication see: www.cirma.unito.it/pizzo.

How to Cite
Pizzo, A. (2014). Writings on performance. Mimesis Journal, 3(1), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.4000/mimesis.466