Festivals, antennas of the contemporary

A day of reflection among scholars and practitioners of dance in Italy


On May 24, 2019, as part of the Festival Interplay, a day of reflection was organized in Turin, with the title Festival, antennas of the contemporary. The event was attended by a large amount of cultural operators and artistic directors who have been promoting contemporary dance in Italy for years. The article summarizes and contextualizes the main points of the discussion, with a proactive approach that takes into account both theoretical and more directly technical suggestions, with the idea that the trace of thought deposited can be not only a testimony and a deepening on the key issues of the event but also a collection of good practices to be put in place, in the joint effort to share what can be considered a collective heritage, developed here in the manner of a story partly turned to the past, but in part, and above all, turned to the future.


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Author Biography

Fabio Acca

Curatore, critico e studioso di arti performative, svolge attività didat- tica e di ricerca al Dipartimento delle Arti dell’Università di Bologna. I suoi contri- buti sono apparsi in diverse riviste di settore. Ha inoltre curato saggi e volumi, tra cui: Cantieri Extralarge. Quindici anni di danza d’autore in Italia 1995-2010, con Jacopo Lanteri (Editoria & Spettacolo, 2011); Performing pop (Titivillus, 2011); La Rete che danza. Azioni del Network Anticorpi XL per una cultura della danza d’autore in Italia 2015-2017, con Alessandro Pontremoli (Edizioni Anticorpi, 2018). Dal 2014 è co-direttore artistico di TIR Danza.

How to Cite
Acca, F. (2024). Festivals, antennas of the contemporary: A day of reflection among scholars and practitioners of dance in Italy. Mimesis Journal, 8(2), 89-101. https://doi.org/10.4000/mimesis.1829
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