Valerian Svetlov and dance in Djagilev's time

Keywords: Svetlov, Djagilev, Bakst, Duncan, Ballets Russes


The review presents the first Italian translation, introduced and edited by Michaela Bohmig, of a valuable collection of essays by Valerian Svetlov, writer, essayist, critic and dance theorist, close collaborator of Sergej Djagilev and privileged interlocutor of the sophisticated members of the artistic circle Mir Iskusstva. It reconstructs the Russian cultural and artistic context between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, highlighting the precious contribution offered by Svetlov in defining a new notion of dance and movement in Russia at the turn of the century.


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Author Biography

Aurora Egidio, University of Salerno

Aurora Egidio is Associate Professor in History of theatre and Theory of acting and performance at the University of Salerno. The focus of her research is Russian avant-garde, the relationship between the Russian and Italian scene, and the history and theory of acting between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In 2015 she received an award from the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage for her translation of the Russian version of Dibbuk (Centro di Studi Ebraici, 2012). She is member of the editorial board of Acting Archives Review. Rivista di studi sull’attore e la recitazione. Author of the monograph Aleksandr Tairov e il Kamernyj teatr di Mosca 1907-1922 (Bulzoni, 2005), she published essays on the Italian tour of the Kamerny Theatre Okno v buduščee. Aleksandr Tairov i stanovlenie ital'janskoj režissury (Mosca, GII, 2016) and on the influence of dance in the Tairovian theatre («Arti dello spettacolo/Performing Arts», 2018). Her publications include essays dedicated to Eleonora Duse ("Il Castello di Elsinore", No. 34, 1999), to Michail Shchepkin (, 2011 e 2017), to Italian and Russian futurism (The Collision of Italian and Russian Futurism. Marinetti’s Visit to Russia, Exeter, 2012).

How to Cite
Egidio, A. (2023). Valerian Svetlov and dance in Djagilev’s time. Mimesis Journal, 12(1), 129-131.
Readings and Visions