Tra falsafa e linguistica: Indoeuropeo *es e pronome separante arabo in Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī

  • Issam Marjani University of Pisa


This contribution aims to discuss some passages by the philosopher Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī concerning the function of the so-called separated pronoun in nominal predicate sentences in Arabic. Through a comparative approach in his Kitāb al-ḥurūf between Arabic, Greek and Persian, al-Fārābī gives an original interpretation of the role of this pronoun in Arabic, markedly different from that given by Arab grammarians.


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Author Biography

Issam Marjani, University of Pisa

Issam Marjani is a Lecturer in Arabic at the University of Pisa, where he earned his PhD in Linguistics. His research interests include Arabic Linguistics and Dialectology, and he is currently focused on describing the Bedouin and rural dialects of Morocco. He has contributed to publications on Arabic linguistics and the history of medieval Islamic philosophy, including “Kāna, mawǧūd e huwiyya nella traduzione araba di Metafisica α 2, Δ 7, Ε 2” (Paris: Vrin 2014); “Avicenne, commentaire de la Sourate al-Aʿlā. Traduction française du texte établi à l’aide d’un ‘nouveau’ témoin et relevé des emprunts de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī dans son exégèse de la sourate” (Studia graeco-arabica 2018); “Le dialecte arabe de Rḥāmna (Maroc)” (Andalus Maghreb 2019); “Plurilinguismo, variazione e politiche linguistiche in area maghrebina” (Alessandria: dell’Orso: 2021).

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