Deux poèmes sur l’amour et l’amitié par Bar Hebraeus (Bar ‘Ebraya, 1226-1286)

  • Rola Skaff LACITO, CNRS


This article aims to provide an overview of 13th-century Syriac poetry through the study of two poems by Bar Hebraeus, a pioneering poet of his time, providing an overview of this art form during that period. These two poems delve into and explore the dimensions of love and friendship. The second poem is, in fact, a collection of two intimately related compositions. After a general introduction to Syriac poetry and the particularities of Bar Hebraeus’ poetry, the analysis focuses on the translation and interpretation of these two poems, which were initially translated into Arabic. The translation into French enhances their dissemination, underscoring the significance of this study in accessing these texts.


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Author Biography

Rola Skaff, LACITO, CNRS

Rola Skaff (a.k.a. Roula Skaf) is a laureate of Emergences 2023. She received her PhD in linguistics from INaLCO - Sorbonne Paris-Cité University and the University of Turin. A specialist in Semitic and especially Syriac, she is also interested in Neo-Aramaic. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher attached to LACITO-CNRS-UMR 7107 and Cermom-INALCO. She collaborates in the translation and editing of texts from Syriac manuscripts at Sources Chrétiennes, CNRS (HiSoMA, UMR 5189).

She can be reached at: ou 
