Yahia Bihram’s narrative colophons: Part 2: DC47

  • Matthew Morgenstern Tel Aviv University


This article presents an editio princeps and translation of a narrative colophon authored in 1249 AH (= 1833–4 CE) by the renowned Mandaean communal leader Yahia Bihram. The text describes events in his life in the period leading up to the great cholera epidemic of 1831–1832 and in its immediate aftermath. The narrative is composed in the idiom that is characteristic of this genre, i.e., a mixed literary language that combines classicising features with elements drawn from the vernacular. The accompanying notes examine particularly the post-classical elements and their relationship to contemporary Neo-Mandaic.


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Author Biography

Matthew Morgenstern, Tel Aviv University

Matthew Morgenstern is a Full Professor in the Department of Hebrew Language and Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University, specializing in the Hebrew of the Second Temple period and pre-modern Aramaic dialects, in particular, the Babylonian Aramaic dialects of Late Antiquity.

Matthew can be contacted at: mmorgen@tauex.tau.ac.il
