The appeal of subjugation: Artistic evidence of Pharaoh’s propaganda in the southern Levant during the 18th–20th Dynasties

  • Giulia Tucci independent researcher


The article proposes an interpretative revisitation of a rather well-known and widespread iconographic motif in Egyptian art: the depiction of the Pharaoh striking his enemies. The scenes of subjugation constitute a red thread that connects all pharaonic dynasties, with an obvious propagandistic purpose to benefit the power of the Pharaoh, and more extensively of the imposition of Egyptian order against the chaos created by everything outside the empire, reason to take foreigners prisoners and therefore punished. The analysis develops on the double strand of monumental art and glyptic media, with a comparison of the diffusion of the two media and an in-depth study of scarabs dated between the 18th and 20th Dynasty found in the southern Levant.


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Author Biography

Giulia Tucci, independent researcher

Giulia Tucci is an independent researcher; she was until last year a Postdoctoral Research Associated on the SSSL Project. Her research focuses on the political, social and economic history, with a particular interest in the interconnection between Southern Levant, Egypt, Northern Levant, Cyprus and the Aegean area during the second and the first millennium BCE, and with a special interest in interpreting the movement of people, materials and ideas. She obtained a PhD in 2017 with a thesis on “Jewelry and personal ornaments in the Southern Late during the Late Bronze: processing, fashion and fruition of jewelry as a socio-economic marker and cultural indicator.” She carried out research and laboratory activities, cataloguing activities, and field research activities (archaeological expeditions and projects), dealing with the archaeology and art history of the Southern Levant (Palestine and Israel and Jordan) during the Bronze and Iron Age. 

Giulia can be contacted at:
