Les emprunts au français dans l’arabe de Jordanie : origines, typologie et sémantique

  • Mousa Awwad University of Jordan


This study shows the influence of French on Jordanian Arabic, which may seem to be hardly visible because of the geographical and historical distance between France and Jordan. The present article first addresses the reasons why French loan words can be found in Jordanian Arabic. Secondly, it describes and analyzes the typology of these loans. Finally, it shows the semantic changes that these loans have undergone in the borrowing language.


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Author Biography

Mousa Awwad, University of Jordan

Dr. Mousa Awwad is an associate professor at the University of Jordan. He teaches French and French linguistics in the French department at the Faculty of Foreign Languages since 2018. He specializes in lexicology and syntax. His fields of research relate to the lexical borrowing, lexical borrowing theories, neologism, language contact and syntactic theories. He completed his Ph.D at Lyon 2 University with a thesis entitled: La confrontation au système de la langue française des emprunts lexicaux à l’arabe dans le domaine de la finance islamique : étude graphique, morphosyntaxique, morpholexicale, sémantique et syntaxique. He can be reached at: Mousa.Awwad@ju.edu.jo
