Les enjeux de la traduction arabe des antithèses dans la presse française


  • Adnan Smadi University of Jordan
  • Shereen Kakish University of Jordan




translation, antithesis, fidelity, difficulties, press, French, Arabic


Any translator has the mission to translate a text or interpret a speech while retaining the meaning and while remaining as faithful as possible to the source text or speech. The goal of the translator is to transfer the text from the source language to the target language so that the meaning and style of writing remain the same. However, because of the differences between languages, it is often difficult to preserve an exact translation of the source text. The translator is therefore confronted with issues in his translation work, especially when it comes to figurative meanings. This article discusses some of these issues in journalistic texts. We propose in this study to examine the translation of the antithesis in some French newspapers and its translation into Arabic, thus shedding light on the way in which the translators manage their work and the different types of translation that they may be confronted with.


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Author Biographies

Adnan Smadi, University of Jordan

Dr. Adnan Smadi is an Associate Professor at the University of Jordan. He is a specialist in French-Arabic translation and author of several books and articles published in linguistic and literary journals. His fields of research focus on translation studies, translation, borrowing and neology, didactology languages-cultures, paremiology, etymology, cultures and religions. He can be reached at:  adsmadi9@gmail.com.

Shereen Kakish, University of Jordan

Dr. Shereen Kakish is an Associate Professor at the University of Jordan. She teaches French literature in the French Department at the Faculty of Foreign Languages since 2010. She is specialized in French literature of the twenty-first century. She completed her Ph.D. at Laval University – Canada. Her research fields include the analysis of literary texts from different eras, theories of reading and fiction, narratology, characters-narrators in contemporary novels, history of French and Quebec literature and history of the French language. She has published so many articles in the field of contemporary French and francophone literature. Her current projects and articles focus on “translation of literature”. She can be reached at: shereen2281@yahoo.com.


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