“Doman am diran che j’erbo a coro…” (they do!)


  • Graziella Acquaviva Università di Torino
  • Mauro Tosco Università di Torino




vegetal neurobiology, environmental stimuli, binary analysis, imagery


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Author Biographies

Graziella Acquaviva, Università di Torino

Graziella Acquaviva holds a PhD in African Studies from the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She has done extensive field research in Tanzania and Kenya on Swahili popular literature and has many publications in the field of African literature. She further translated Collodi’s Le avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un burattino (1883) and Carofiglio’s Testimone inconsapevole (2002) from Italian into Swahili (Hekaya za Pinokio and Shahidi asiyekusudiwa). She teaches Swahili Language, Culture and Literature at the University of Turin.

Mauro Tosco, Università di Torino

Mauro Tosco is Professor of African Linguistics at the University of Turin. His main area of research is the Horn of Africa, where he has been working on the analysis and description of underdescribed Cushitic languages in an areal and typological perspective. A native speaker of Piedmontese, an endangered Romance language, he works on the expansion and revitalization of minority languages, language policy and ideology. Pidgins, creoles and language contact are his third main domain of research.


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