Some aspects of plant symbolism in Indian civilization


  • Alberto Pelissero Università di Torino



Axis mundi, Bhagavadgītā, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paramārthasāra, Plant symbolism, purāṇa, Rāmāyaṇa, upaniṣad, Veda


A bird’s eye review of a few significant features of plant symbolism in Indian world, both in priestly and in buddhistic milieu: tree as axis mundi (the reversed tree, aśvattha, Ficus religiosa); bodhi tree in buddhistic context; the myth of the birth of human beings from vegetables (Lagenaria vulgaris) in the Rāmāyaṇa; the rice and the chaff (in relation with the law of retribution of acts) in the Paramārthasāra by Abhinavagupta; the celestial desire-fulfilling creeper (kāmavallī) and the transformation of the celestial nymph Urvaśī into a creeper. Within brahmanical tradition a significant range of sources is used, mainly Vedas, upaniṣads, Bhagavadgītā and purāṇas.


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Author Biography

Alberto Pelissero, Università di Torino

Alberto Pelissero is Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities StudiUm, University of Torino. He teaches Sanskrit  Language and Literature and Philosophies and Religions of India.

Latest books: 2013, Hinduismo. Storia, tematiche, attualità, Brescia: Edizioni La Scuola; 2013, Il segreto della regina dei tre mondi, Tripurārahasya, Savona: Edizioni Laksmī; 2014, Filosofie dell' India, Brescia: Morcelliana.


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Movement 1: Sacredness and vegetation / Sacralità e vegetazione