Processes of Dis–location and Re–location of Knowledge and Power


  • Elena Bougleux Università di Bergamo



dislocation, knowledge, power,


Historical analysis of domination patterns identifies phases of ongoing dialectics between rich and poor world areas, claiming instances of self-determination and empowerment in international programs of cooperation. At the same time, new major imbalances in relations of power emerge between new global players, who appear to be committed in a competition towards the Western model of development, mainly characterized by the control over technologies and knowledge/. /Such practices of emulation provide examples of complicity with the hegemonic rhetoric, and help strengthen pairs of opposites (emerging/advanced, technological/intuitive, hegemonic/subaltern) increasingly polarized and less dialectical.


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Author Biography

Elena Bougleux, Università di Bergamo

Elena Bougleux is professor of Cultural Anthropology and Anthropology of Science at the University of Bergamo. She is currently Visiting Professor at the MPI for the History of Science Berlin. Her interests focus on the processes of knowledge construction in an anthropological, historical and gendered perspective. She has published Costruzioni dello Spaziotempo (2006), Soggetti egemoni e saperi subalterni (2012), and over forty reviewed papers on national and international journals.


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Terzo momento – Etnografie / Stage Three – Ethnographies