Lexicographical questions and revealing quotations: New clues on Pi shishi zhuwang


  • Gabriele Tola Sapienza University of Rome


The article presents and analyses new materials and perspectives on Pi shishi zhuwang 闢釋氏諸妄 (“Confutation of all the absurdities of the Buddha”), frequently abbreviated as Pi wang. Pi wang is usually attributed to the Chinese scholar Xu Guangqi徐光啟 (1562–1633), but recent studies have questioned this hypothesis. However, while there is a variety of studies on the translations and prefaces composed by Xu Guangqi in cooperation with Western missionaries and scholars, such as Matteo Ricci (Li Madou 利瑪竇, 1552–1610) and Sabatino De Ursis (Xiong Sanba 熊三拔, 1575–1620), secondary literature on Pi wang is surprisingly limited. Among these precious and rare works of secondary literature, the focus has been correctly placed on the structure and different versions of Pi wang to determine attribution. Less attention has been devoted to the contents of the text, especially concerning some linguistic peculiarities in terms of possible attribution and relevant cross-cultural interactions. In order to provide new clues and different points of view for research on the attribution, this article illustrates some topics that should be further investigated and new possible keys in historical texts. It also indirectly provides new insights into the cultural interactions that took place between Chinese converts and Western missionaries.


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Author Biography

Gabriele Tola, Sapienza University of Rome

Gabriele Tola is a researcher at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies department of Sapienza University of Rome. He has been a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures of Kansai University and a research associate in Chinese NLP at the Department of Computer Science of Sapienza University of Rome. He is Laureate of the Marthe Engelborghs-Bertels Prize for Sinology and P.I. of the Prin 2022 PNRR project "CHIN-DICTIONARY – Brollo’s Dictionarium sinico-latinum: linguistic innovations, textual connections, and trans-cultural translation.”

Gabriele can be contacted at: gabriele.tola@uniroma1.it


