“I am not writing about sex but of human nature:" Pornography, sex and human nature in the Untold Trilogy of Feng Tang


  • Lavinia Benedetti University of Catania


Since the early 1990s, sexuality has emerged as an increasingly significant theme in Chinese literature and popular culture. In contrast to earlier works that suppressed sexuality in favor of political fervor, authors like Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997) introduced a completely fresh perspective on sexuality, emphasizing its individual significance (Larson 2003). Two decades after the release of Wang Xiaobo’s renowned novel The Golden Years (1991), Feng Tang (1971) astonishes Chinese readers with his unconventional treatment of sex in his novel Bu’er, the first of the so-called “Unspeakable Trilogy.” Beyond the controversies often surrounding Feng Tang for his unreserved approach to discussing sexuality, particularly male sexuality, this article aims to provide reflection on his poetics of sex, which often appear to aim for higher, sometimes philosophical, ends rather than merely seeking to shock or disturb the reader.


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Author Biography

Lavinia Benedetti, University of Catania

Lavinia Benedetti is Associate Professor in Chinese language and literature at the University of Catania. Her field of research is literature and cultural studies. She has worked on crime fiction and erotica. Among her latest publications: Benedetti et al. (eds), Stigma, censure e oscenità. L’indicibile nelle culture del Mediterraneo e dell’Asia Orientale (2020); Feng Tang. Palle Imperiali e altri racconti (trad. 2020); and Storia del Giallo in Cina. Dai racconti giudiziari al romanzo di crimine (2017).

Lavinia can be contacted at: lavinia.benedetti@gmail.com






Chinese contemporary literatures in and out of China