Javanese women and their noble values: From Påncå Wastå to Kåncå Wingking in Mangkunegaran Principality, Surakarta, Indonesia
This article explores the profound meaning of kåncå wingking in the context of the Babad Tutur of K.G.P.A.A. Mangkoenagoro I, the Serat Piwulang scripts by K.G.P.A.A. Mangkoenagoro IV, and the real-life practices of the princesses and consorts in Praja Mangkunegaran, Surakarta, Indonesia. Previous research on kåncå wingking has predominantly focused on women’s domestic responsibilities and the notion that they lack agency over their lives. However, the research of Kumar and Carey reveals the significant involvement of Praja Mangkunegaran women in the realms of arts, defense, and governance. Employing an ethnographic approach from a qualitative perspective, this study reveals the pivotal role of Javanese women in leading and harmonizing the spiritual main system between their husbands, family, and Praja Mangkunegaran. It explores the role of Javanese women in Praja Mangkunegaran, emphasizing their leadership and ability to balance the spiritual framework. The Serat Piwulang scripts are implemented through their authority and status, aligning with Islamic principles of impartiality. Wara Srikandhi, a puppet character, represents the attainment of spirituality and true nirvana in Javanese ethical and aesthetic values. Princesses and consorts are regarded as mustikaning wanudya, embodying spiritual strength, gentleness, and grace. Meanwhile, Kåncå wingking represents the culmination of the implementation and interpretation of Påncå Wastå and the flaming womb in the roles of angamatjani and ardhanareswari. The findings suggest that the meaning of kåncå wingking is rooted in rightful authority, celebrating the glory of Javanese women as sources of spiritual power.
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