The Rǝḥjīta Arabic of Mosul


  • Qasim Hassan University of Basra



The aim of the current study is to introduce a type of qǝlta Arabic common to particular quarters in the Old City of Mosul on the right bank of the Tigris. This variety has emerged as a result of postmigratory interactions of Arab tribes with Mosul Arabic and is characterized by a simplified grammar, with less phonological and morphological features, when compared to the rest of the Tigris family. The discussion introduced henceforth is mainly based on fieldwork data collected on-site in 2023 in Mosul as well as on a text recorded in the speech of a seventy-four-year-old woman and her thirty-five-year-old daughter.


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Author Biography

Qasim Hassan, University of Basra

Qasim Hassan holds a PhD in General Linguistics from the University of Wuppertal. He is currently a member of the College of Arts, University of Basra. His major interests lay in Arabic linguistics and Iraqi Arabic dialectology. He published several papers in journals and conference proceedings.

Qasim can be reached at:


