Neurophysiology Technologist in neurorehabilitation and scientific research: an observational study of employment on the Italian national territory.


Cristina Turco
Sara Zago
Marianna Cavinato



The professional figure of the Neurophysiology Technologist (TNFP) has always been related to the diagnostic field. However, the number of technologists employed in the scientific research, or in the neurorehabilitation field, is increasing. Indeed, there are various brain stimulation methods used for neurorehabilitation which can be performed by the TNFP (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - rTMS, transcranial Direct Current Stimulation – tDCS). Furthermore, different recording techniques (Magnetoencephalography - MEG, high density Electroencephalogram - hd-EEG, BCI) allow this professional figure to be included in the field of scientific research.


This study aims to know the current state of employment of Italian TNFP in the neurorehabilitation and scientific research.

Materials and Methods

A questionnaire was distributed via e-mail by the Neurophysiology Technologists Registry (TSRM PSTRP Orders) and by the Italian Association of Neurophysiology Technologists (AITN) throughout the national territory.  


49 of the 91 TNFP participants of the study, carry out activities in neurorehabilitation and/or scientific research. The largest number of participants, 19 out of 49 (39%) is employed in public facilities; the most frequent type of contract is permanent employment (32 technologists out of 49).  When asked about the training they received, 13 respondents out of 49 reported that their current place of employment did not provide an adequate training, 21 that they had limited training, 10 considered their training as sufficient, 5 answered that they had been adequately prepared during their university bachelor degree course.


Most of the TNFP in the study work in public facilities. The data could indicate how the Italian National Health System is investing in neurorehabilitation and how the TNFP figures are increasingly involved in the scientific development. 66% of the TNFPs (32 technologists) are employed with a permanent contract, of these, 17 are working in Scientific Institues of Health Research and Development, affiliated to public or private: the employment of TNFP is becoming so significant as to lead the aforementioned centers to assign permanent contracts, rather than scholarships or project contracts. On the other hand, 69% (34 technologists) of the participants defined themselves as untrained or with limited grounding, respect to a possible future employment in the neurorehabilitation and/or research field.


The need of more training addressed to neurorehabilitation and research could upgrade Neurophysiology technologists’ skills and consequently increase job opportunities.


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Come citare
Turco, C., Zago, S., & Cavinato, M. (2023). Neurophysiology Technologist in neurorehabilitation and scientific research: an observational study of employment on the Italian national territory. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 7(2).

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