Occhi petulanti e petulantia. Codici espressivi, differenze sociali, (pre)giudizi sessuali e abbinamenti concettuali a partire dagli epistolari cristiani

  • Beatrice Girotti


The Christian Epistles have been the subject of numerous historical, philological, rhetorical and literary studies. The analysis presented here intends to identify the in-cidence of communicative intention and the value of the repetitiveness of certain ra-re terms and concepts, hitherto partially neglected by critics. In particular, we will focus on the nexus oculus petulans found in Jerome's epistolary: through readings and comparisons also with similar expressions and comforted by certain interpreta-tions proposed regarding Christian petulantia, recurring themes on sexuality, religi-osity and the feminine element will be highlighted in the Epistolography of the Fa-thers (but not only), which confirm the strong unitary value of the Christian message and the strategic value of the epistolary medium.

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