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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Historiká: Studi di storia greca e romana

Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Studi Storici

ISSN 2240-774X

e-ISSN 2039-4985


  • Text should be submitted in .doc or .docx format (.odt format is not accepted). In addition, a pdf version is welcome.
  • Text and notes should be written in a common text processing program (ex. Times New Roman or similia).
  • References to literature should be placed in the footnotes (no endnotes).
  • Where required, the dash (-) is always in its short form. Long dash (–) should be used only to mark a parenthetical period in the text.
  • Illustrations: originals and/or printable digital images, b/w or colour (see par. 8 infra).


  1. Text


  • Formatting: left-justified; font size uniformly 12 pt; line spacing uniformly 1.5.
  • Footnote numbers should be typed before punctuation marks (ex.: this tradition is attested in Plutarch’s Moralia1.).
  • For Latin words and for the transliteration of Greek words in Latin alphabet, italics should be used (ex.: rasura; Greek words should be written without accent marks and long vowels: ex. polites, ekklesia).
  • For words in a language different from that used in the article, italics should be used (ex. milieu, équipe).
  • Illustration references should be given in brackets according to the following abbreviations: fig./figs. (figure/figures); pl./pls. (plate/plates) (ex.: (fig. 4)).


  1. Footnotes:


  • Formatting: left-justified; font size uniformly 10 pt; single line spacing
  • Footnotes generally end with a full stop.
  • Reference to ancient sources: see infra, par. 4.
  • Reference to modern literature: system author-year should be used (ex.: Hansen 1997; cfr. par. 6 infra). References to concerned page numbers should be given in full (ex.: 192-195; no 192-95 or 192-5) and without abbreviations (i.e. without p./pp; ex.: Hansen 1997, 1-25). Abbreviations as f./ff./sqq. should be avoided, specific page numbers are cited instead. Passim is accepted.

References to footnote numbers should be given with the abbreviation n. or nn. (ex.: Hansen 1997, 13 n. 4 or Hansen 1997, 13 nn. 3-4).

Reprinted texts or new editions of monographic works: the author and the year of the original work should be indicated in round brackets, without the page number.

Ex.: Cracco Ruggini 1995, 54 (= Ruggini 1961)

  • For cross references, infra o supra can be used, followed by the page number without p./pp. (ex.: see infra 25). or by the footnote number with n./nn. (ex.: see infra 25 n. 5).
  • The supra references id./idem, ead./eadem, ibid./ibidem should be avoided. In the case of quotations of several articles/books published by the same author in different years the following criteria should be used: author's last name followed by the year of the oldest contribution and then the years of the most recent contributions separated by semicolons (ex.: Roda 2011, 25-27; 2012, 54-67; 2015, 15-22).
  • The supra reference loc. cit. is not accepted.


  1. Abbreviations of journals/series/corpora/lexika et al.:


For the abbreviations for journals, series, corpora et lexika, the system adopted by L’Année Philologique should be used (list downloadable here: If not represented, please write the title in full or using a clear abbreviation.


Some recurring abbreviations:

  1. year

ad v.            ad vocem (italics)

app.              appendix

ca                 about

cap./capp.      chapter/chapters

cat.               catalogue

cent.              century

cfr.                  compare

cm, m, km, gr, kg (without full stop) = centimetre, metre, kilometre, gram, kilogram

cod./codd.      code, codes

col./coll.          colum/colums

etc.               et cetera

ed./edd.         edition/editions

ex.                 for example

facs.              facsimile

fig./figs.        figure/figures

fr./frr.            fragment/fragments

infra              below (italics)

nr./nrr. inv.   number/numbers of inventory

l./ll.                 line/lines

ms./mss.        manuscript/manuscripts

n./nn.               note/notes

nr./nrr.              number/numbers

passim           passim (this citation occurs frequently in the work cited)

par./parr.       paragraph/paragraphs

pl./pls.           plate/plates

suppl.            supplement

supra             above (italics)

s.v.                  sub voce (italics)

transl.              translation

v./vv.            verse/verses   

vd.                 see

vs                  versus (italics)

vol./vols.        volume/volumes



  • B.C. and A.D. (without spaces).
  • Years are written out in full (ex.: A.D. 167-168 or 480/470 B.C.).
  • A dash without spaces links years and centuries (ex.: 2nd-1st cent. B.C.).
  • A dash with spaces links designation of periods (ex.: last quarter of the 1st cent. B.C. – 1st half of the 1st cent. A.D.)
  • Archon’s, consul’s years etc.: 400/399 B.C., 420/19 B.C., 402/1 B.C.


  1. Ancient sources


4.1 Literary sources

For the Latin authors please follow the abbreviations system used in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Lipsiae 1900-. For the Greek authors, please follow the pdf “Greek authors” downloadable from the website. In the case of authors not present in the mentioned lists, please follow the most common abbreviations.



Author’s abbreviated name in Roman; work’s abbreviated title in italics; number of the book in Roman number; numbers of the chapter and paragraph or verse in Arabic numbers. Comma should be used only to separate the chapter from the paragraph. Semi colon should be used only to separate the paragraphs/verses/lines between them, if not consecutive (if consecutive, dash should be used). Ex.:

Hom. Il. I 265

Cic. Brut. 39

Aristoph. Av. 561

Philoch. FGrHist. 328 F 108

Isocr. Paneg. [IV] 2

Plat. Resp. 538a

Harpocr. s.v. ἀγενής

Fest. p. 348 L. (only in similar cases abbreviation p. for page is accepted)

Cass. Dio XXII fr. 74, 1 Boiss.

Hdt. II 3, 1

Plut. Lyc. 2, 3

Aristot. Ath. Pol. 4, 2; Pol. 1273 a 6-8

Ovid. Fasti V 284-290


4.2. Epigraphic sources:

For citations of corpora of inscriptions, the conventions customary for the given field are adopted. In case of doubt, follow the system adopted in the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Ex.:

 CIL V 7548

  ILS 234


 IGUR 123

 IG II3 357


Agora XV 128


  1. 5. Quotes from ancient and modern sources


5.1 Ancient authors

To quote Latin texts, italics without quotation marks should be used (ex.: Plin. NH III, 123: Transpadana appellatur ab eo regio undecima, tota in mediterraneo cui marina cuncta fructuoso alveo inportat).

To quote Greek texts, Roman without quotation marks should be used (ex.: App. BC I, 29, 130: γῆν, ὅσην ἐν τῇ νῦν ὑπὸ Ῥωμαίων καλουμένῃ Γαλατίᾳ). For the Greek characters, please use only a Unicode font. For ex., a Unicode font is downloadable for free here: (the last one at the end of the page).


5.2 Modern authors

To quote texts of modern authors, Roman in small angle brackets should be used («…»).

 Generally, short reported passages, both from ancient and modern authors, should appear in the text. Otherwise, quotes longer than three lines should be centred in infratext body.


5.3 Inscriptions:

Latin inscriptions should be transcribed according to the system adopted in Supplementa Italica (Roma, Quasar).


  1. Bibliography


The author-year system is used.

The names of authors as well as the titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets are quoted in the original. Ex.:


Μπίρης 1971: K. Μπίρης, Αἱ τοπωνυμίαι τῆς πόλεως καὶ τῶν περιχώρων τῶν Ἀθηνῶν, Ἀθῆναι

Σταϊνχάουερ 2005: Γ. Σταϊνχάουερ, Αττικής Οδού Περιήγηση, Αθήνα


6.1 Short-form citations are used in the footnotes: surname of author/s should be given in Roman (without first name), followed by the publication year and by the number of the concerned pages (without p./pp.). Ex.:


  • Bickermann 1975, 1-12
  • Blass 1887, I, 125                      If the work is in more volumes, the concerned volume should be given in Roman number.
  • Hansen 1997a, 14-18               Publications by one author with the same year of publication should be differentiated by adding small letters after the year.

           Hansen 1997b, 12 n. 3

  • Blok – Lardinois 2006                Co-authors of one work should be linked by a dash with spaces.
  • Coulson – Palagia et al. 1994    If there are more than two authors in a short-form citation, only the first is named with et al. appended; the names of all the authors appear in the list of references. The abbreviation ‘Aa. Vv.’ (various authors) should be avoided

The number of pages should be given in full (ex.: 192-195; no 192-95 or 192-5). Abbreviations as f./ff./sqq. are not accepted; specific page numbers are cited instead. Supra reference passim is accepted.


6.2 In the list of references at the end of article short-form citations should be expanded into full bibliographic information according to the following system:


            Monographic works: author’s surname in Roman, preceded by the initial of the first name (if the initials of the first name are more than one, they are written consecutively without space); work’s title in italics; eventually name of the series in Roman, followed by the series number in Arabic number; place of publication (as it appears in the original title page, ex.: Paris, Berolini, London, Αθήνα etc.). In the case of several places of editions, these should be separated by a dash (without spaces). Ex.:


Brunt 1971: P.A. Brunt, Italian Manpower 225 BC – AD 14, Oxford.

Azoulay 2004: V. Azoulay 2004, Xénophon et les grâces du pouvoir. De la charis au charisme, Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale 77, Paris.

Blok - Lardinois 2006: J.H. Blok - A.P.M.H. Lardinois (ed. by), Solon of Athens. New historical and philological Approaches, Leiden-Boston.


New editions of monographic works: bibliographic information of the original work should be indicated in round brackets. Ex.:

 Cracco Ruggini 1995: L. Cracco Ruggini, Economia e società nell'Italia Annonaria. Rapporti fra agricoltura e commercio dal IV al VI secolo d. C., Bari. (= Economia e società nell'Italia Annonaria. Rapporti fra agricoltura e commercio dal IV al VI secolo d. C., Milano 1961).


Translated monographic works: bibliographic information of the original work should be indicated in round brackets. Ex.:

 Dagron 1991: G. Dagron, Costantinopoli. Nascita di una capitale (330-451), Torino (transl. of Naissance d'une Capitale. Constantinople et ses Institutions de 330 à 451, Paris 1974).


Contributions to journals: author’s name in Roman; article’s title in italics; abbreviation for the journal in Roman in small angle brackets (abbreviation according to the system adopted in the Année Philologique; see par. 3 supra); number of the volume in Arabic number, followed by the year of publication of the journal in brackets (only if different from the year that appears in the original title page); page numbers for the full length of the article.

 Bickermann 1976: E. Bickermann, La conception du mariage à Athènes, «BIDR» 78, 1-28.


In the case of double volume, slash between volume and year numbers should be used. Ex.:

Simon 1954/55: E. Simon, Zum Bruchstück eines Weihreliefs in Eleusis, «MDAI(A)» 69/70, 45-48.


If years are not consecutive, dash between volume and year numbers should be used. Ex.:

Αλιφέρη 1992-98: Σ. Αλιφέρη, Τὰ διασπαρμένα μνημεῖα ὡς πηγὲς γιὰ τὴν καταστροφὴ τοῦ Δημοσίου Σήματος, «Horos» 10-12, 183-203.


Contributions to edited collections of papers or proceedings of conference/colloquium/congress/symposium: author’s name in Roman; article’s title in italics; preposition “in” followed by the miscellaneous work’s title in italic; then “ed. by, hrsg. von, éd. par, a c. di” (in original language) followed by the editor’s name; title, place and date of the event in Roman; eventually name of the series in Roman, followed by the series number in Arabic number; place of edition; numbers of pages for the full length of the article. In the case of several editors, these should be separated by a dash (with spaces). Ex.:

 Akrigg 2007: B. Akrigg, The nature and implications of Athens’changed social structure and economy, in Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 B.C., ed. By R. Osborne, Cambridge-New York, 27-43.

Blok 2006: J.H. Blok, Solon’s Funerary Laws: Questions of Authenticity and Function, in Solon of Athens. New historical and philological Approaches, ed. by J.H. Blok - A.P.M.H. Lardinois, Leiden-Boston, 197-247.

Schnapp 1987: A. Schnapp, Héraclés, Thésée et les chasseurs: les ambiguités du héros, in Images et société en Grèce ancienne, éd. par C. Bérard - C. Bron - A. Pomari, Actes du Colloque international, Lausanne 8-11 février 1984, Cahiers d’archéologie romande 36, Lausanne, 121-130.


Contributions reprinted in miscellaneous works: the bibliographic informations of the original work should be indicated in round brackets. Ex.:

 Chastagnol 1995: A. Chastagnol, Le repli sur Arles des services administratifs gaulois en l'an 407 de notre ère, in La Gaule romaine et le droit latín. Recherches sur l'histoire administrative et sur la romanisation des habitants, éd. par A. Chastagnol, Paris, 257-274 (= Le repli sur Arles des services administratifs gaulois en l'an 407 de notre ère, «RH» 249, 23-40).


  1. Webliography


The author-year system is used.


        7.1 Short-form citations are used in the footnotes: surname of author/s should be given in Roman (without first name), followed by the publication year (cfr. par. 6.1 supra). If the date is not available, the name should be followed by “n.d.” (= without date).


        7.2 In the list of references at the end of article short-form citations should be expanded into full bibliographic information according the same system adopted for paper contributions (see par. 6.2 supra). The link to concerned web page should be added. Ex.:


Mount 2010: H. Mount, Roman Blood Runs Through Chinese – and British – veins, «The Telegraph», 24/11/2010 =


Adinolfi n.d.: R. Adinolfi, Soldati di Crasso in Cina e mercanti campani in Mongolia, India e Ceylon, s.d. =


  1. Illustrations

Format: all illustrations must be submitted in adequate format. Please supply high resolution TIFF or JPEG files. They must not be embedded in Word files as this significantly degrades the quality. Resolution: at least 400 dpi for grey-scale and colour pictures; at least 1200 dpi for line drawings.


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