About the Journal

About the journal

The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin is one of the most prestigious online journals in comparative law. Founded in 1995, Cardozo has been pursuing the highest standards of scholarly and academic research. The topics studied and published cover the entire field of comparative law studies, and represent an essential moment of insight within the academy.

The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin is also a Class A journal for all areas of Area 12 according to the Italian Commission ANVUR.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process

The selection of reviewers for each proposal is the responsibility of the editors and takes into account a number of factors, including experience, expertise, and the input of the authors or other editors.

Each work proposed for publication is first read by at least one of the editors, who, if found on an initial examination corresponding to the journal's standards, sends it to two reviewers for an in-depth evaluation. The method used is that of blind review, in which the author does not know the name of his reviewers nor the reviewers that of the author.

The purpose of the review is to provide the authors with a reasoned opinion on the quality of the proposal itself. Reviews should also provide authors with guidance on how to improve their essays for publication in the journal.

The editorial staff uses the following software for automatic plagiarism check: Plagiarism check system in documents (Turnitin) and Search Engine Reports (www.searchenginereports.net)

Table of publication times

The journal guarantees to the authors the respect of the following timescales for the management of the editorial process:

- reading by the editorial board: within 3 weeks after submission;

- first round of peer review: within 4 weeks after assignment;

- communication to the author: within 7 weeks after submission;

- time for any changes by the author: within 4 weeks after the request for changes;

- final editorial decision: within 2 weeks after receipt of the modified version.

Frequency of publication

Philosophy Kitchen publishes two six-monthly issues, in July and December of each year, by University of Turin.

Code of Ethics

“The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin” is committed to the highest publication standards. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial board. The Code describes Cardozo’s policies for ensuring the ethical treatment of all participants in the peer review and publication process. Cardozo Editors, Guest Editors, Reviewers and Authors are encouraged to study these guidelines and address any questions or concerns to the editorial team (celbulletin@gmail.com).

These guidelines apply to all manuscripts submitted to “Cardozo”, and may be revised at any time by the Editor-in-Chief and the Board. The following duties outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (latest version, 2011).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, believing that making research freely available to the public improves knowledge exchange globally.

The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin applies a Creative Commons: CC BY 4.0 license to all published material. Authors retain copyright to their contributions, but grant anyone the ability to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy materials published by The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin, with the sole condition that the author and journal title are properly cited. There is no need to seek further permission from the author or the journal's editors. All this is in accordance with the definition of Open Access given by the Budapest Open Access Initiative. This journal uses the LOCKSS system, on the PKP network, to enable permanent archiving of digital files via international networks.