Humanismo y elogio de la poesía

En torno a La Respuesta de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz


  • Cristina Beatriz Fernández CONICET / UNMDP



The aim of this paper is to trace, in La Respuesta, by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, marks that link the text with the tradition of eulogy or defense of the poetry. To do so, this tradition is briefly reviewed, as well as the humanist conception of the poet and his relationship with knowledge. The article analyzes other texts that dialogue with La Respuesta, such as the Respuesta de Sor Filotea  and the writings known as Carta de Puebla and Carta de San Miguel. In all of them, the constant presence of topics typical of the defenses of poetry is perceived, although the appreciation, treatment and meaning they receive is different in the pen of Sor Juana and in that of her interlocutor, the bishop Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz.






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