Un extraño individuo que no dudo que sea un trozo de mí

Preeminencia y exclusividad de la voz del protagonista-autor en El don de Vorace de Félix Francisco Casanova

  • Lucia Chiosso Università degli Studi di Torino


This contribution aims to demonstrate how the evident coincidences between the figure of the writer Félix Francisco Casanova and that of the main character of his novel El don de Vorace are not to be exclusively imputed to a shared biographical background, but also to the specific features of their shared idiolect. Likewise, the absolute exclusivity and preponderance of that idiolect in the development of the narration will be highlighted. For this purpose, the article will analyse the convergences between private and literary writing in the works of Casanova, as well as the lack of a solid dialogical dimension in the novel, the frequent fluctuations of the register peculiar to the author’s literary style, and finally the central role of the intertextual dimension in his writing.

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