De El vado (1948) a Le nuvole non sono passate (1957)

Prácticas de reescrituras y traducciones en la obra de Ramón J. Sender

  • Angela Moro Università di Pisa


This article delves into the practice of rewriting in the oeuvre of Ramón J. Sender, taking the short novel El vado (1948) as a point of departure and the undetected Italian translation Le nuvole non sono passate (1957), translated by Francesco Tentori, as a point of arrival. Besides Sender’s own recasting of El vado into a chapter of El verdugo afable (1952), we will reconstruct the genesis of its subsequent English and Italian translations: The Clouds Did Not Pass (1954 and 1957, translated anonymously) and Le nuvole non sono passate (1957), which Tentori translates from the English rendition. The paper ends with a collation of the texts involved in this tangled and hitherto unexplored journey.

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