Las dos versiones de La tierra de Alvargonzález

  • Gabriella Cambosu Università di Cagliari - Facoltà di Studi Umanistici



The work aims to delve into the question related to the two versions of La tierra de Alvargonzález, still open in the debate about the work, focusing the issue of cainism more than the relationship between them.

The comparative study shows that the two texts are not as equal as it seems. The meaning lies precisely in the connection between the two stories in the plot of Campos de Castilla, as an expression of two enemy peoples in the fratricidal fight between farmers and shepherds. They differ in point of view, time, ending and characters, shepherds in the romance and farmers in the legend told by a peasant who heard it from a shepherd in his childhood and reports the story adding comments that turn it into a new version.

Key words: Alvargonzález - fight - primogeniture - country - Cain - Jacob

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