¡Le agarró la tanada! Fraseologia e(im)migrante nel Rio de La Plata


  • Virginia Sciutto Università del Salento




From the second half of the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century, as a consequence of the political, economic and social instability in Europe, large migratory contingents of different origin arrived in Argentina. The objective of this research is to determine and analyze, from a linguistic and diatopic approach, the phraseological units (PU) of Argentine Spanish that contain Italianisms and Lunfardism in their internal structure, as current testimonies of linguistic and cultural contact in the River Plate migratory area. In particular, the process through which lexical and/or phraseological elements were migrating and penetrating until they became integrated into the language of the receiving society, through different ways such as loanwords, phraseological calques or neological creations is studied. The data studied were obtained by preparing a corpus of 222 PU manually extracted from lexicographical sources.

Keywords: e(in)migration, language contact, phraseology, Italy, Argentina.






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