Identidades de género, léxico y encuadres en los discursos de Twitter de cuatro líderes políticos españoles

  • Laura Mariottini Sapienza Università di Roma


In this article, I analyse the presence of lexical-discursive structures related to language and gender in Twitter Spanish political discourse. The corpus is composed of 5,823 tweets published on the public Twitter profiles of the leaders of the four most represented political parties: Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Casado, Santiago Abascal and Ione Belarra. The methodology used is hybrid, both quantitative and qualitative, since it combines the results obtained by Sketch Engine with a qualitative observation of the data carried out from a discourse analysis approach. Through the examination of the frequencies, uses and combinations of key words related to gender ‒women, trans, LGTBI, gender, feminism/feminist‒ I study the construction of frameworks developed in the dominant political discourse in Spain. 

Monografico 22.1. Studi sul lessico dello spagnolo