El espacio en la novela regionalista. El caso de La aldea perdida, de Armando Palacio Valdés


  • José Manuel Martín Morán


La aldea perdida has been considered the regionalist novel by Palacio Valdés; and indeed, some elements of the subgenre that Pereda helped to systematize are easily identifiable in the novel by the Asturian author, a fervent admirer of the novelist from Santander: the idealization of characters and Nature, the Manichean vision of the world, the attention for peasant culture , the description of the patriarchal utopia and its conflict with the capitalist and statalist ways of life, etc. Of course, next to these thematic parallels we find a series of elements that distance the Asturian novel from the model established by Pereda. The convergence of narrative sub-genres serves Palacio Valdés, in a display of technical eclecticism, to highlight the aforementioned regionalist aspects.





