Ficciones biográficas y creación del personaje en los apócrifos de Max Aub (Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña, Jusep Torres Campalans y Luis Buñuel, novela)


  • Giovanna Fiordaliso Università della Tuscia



Object of critical interest from various points of view, Max Aub’s apocrypha, such as Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña and Jusep Torres Campalans, are representative of an idea of literature that the author defended in all his whole production.

Concentrating our attention on this type of writing, focused according to the most recent critical contributions that value biographical fictions as a genre or sub-genre with peculiar characteristics, this work analyses the role of the character in the narrative structure by considering Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña, Jusep Torres Campalans and Luis Buñuel, novela: with the intention of broadening the theoretical framework to which reference can be made, it is indeed possible to shed new critical light on these works of difficult classification by exploiting the most recent contributions that consider the category of literary character, to which can be added the studies that refer to biopoetic.

The three examples can be considered at the same time as a single proposal that may also have inspired other authors (Aramburu, Muñoz Molina), who experimented with the same literary game and commitment in the construction of biographical fictions.






Monografico 24.2. Memorias ejemplares. El legado literario de Max Aub (coordinato da Silvia Monti e Paola Bellomi)