“Hasta que nos borren del mapa”: la relación espacial en "Cuentos ciertos" de Max Aub






To approach Max Aub’s literary legacy is also to approach his diasporic identity. The biographical profile of this author, marked by displacements and exiles, shows the importance that the concepts of “space” and “place” have had in his life experience, which leads us to question the use and function that these concepts have had in his production. To do this, we will rely on some concepts borrowed from the “spatial turn” and the ectopic perspective (Albaladejo), in particular with regard to the “spatial effect” (Cavicchioli) and the “situational script” (Jouve) as structural elements of the Aub diegesis. In particular, we will focus on three stories that belong to the anthology Cuentos ciertos (1965): “Una canción”, “La Ley” and “Enero sin nombre”. Our hypothesis is that the study of space under the magnifying glass of the ectopic and the “spatial turn” can reveal some unprecedented connection between the literary product and the reader’s reception, in addition to highlighting the value of the literary and human legacy of Aub’s work that is still valid.


Keywords: Max Aub; Cuentos ciertos; Spatial Turn; Ectopic Literature; Spatial Effect; Situational Script; Déborah Vukušić






Monografico 24.2. Memorias ejemplares. El legado literario de Max Aub (coordinato da Silvia Monti e Paola Bellomi)