Tra Bradamante e Fiordiligi c’è Camila: la novella del Curioso Impertinente come fonte del libretto di Così Fan Tutte


  • Iole Scamuzzi


The fundamental theme of the indissolubility of truth and fiction, of the life that is dream, of the theater that reveals life, is the one which Cervantes dedicates all his creative activity, bringing it to the maximum of its complexity (let's think, in Don Qijote, at the Cueva de Montesinos episode) arriving at the end of his life to greet, in the prologue of Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, his characters as friends, whom maybe will meet again after death in a new possible world. This complexity of the cervantine model Da Ponte captures and understands, makes it his own and translates it into the expressive medium of the opera buffa. On the scene, in Italy, it will only return a century and a half later, burdened with existential anguish, in Pirandello's work.




