La Scuola Veterinaria di Torino a 250 anni dalla fondazione -The Turin School of Veterinary Medicine on the Occasion of 250 Years from Its Foundation
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Turin, School of Veterinary Medicine, 250th Anniversary of foundationAbstract
The article deals with the history and the development of the School of Veterinary Medicine of Turin. It’s been 250 years since the School, the fourth oldest Veterinary School in the world, was founded on 1st September 1769 by the King Carlo Emanuele III of Sardinia Kingdom. In 1934, the School became one of the Faculties of the Turin University. Since 1996 it moved to new modern campus, specifically built in Grugliasco (12 km from Turin) and in 2002, the European Association of Establishment for Veterinary Education Committee visited and approved the Campus.
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