La «ripugnanza per il "bel gesto"»: il rifiuto e la solitudine di Edoardo Ruffini - The «repugnance for the "beau geste"»: Edoardo Ruffini’s refusal and solitude

  • Ferdinando Treggiari Università degli Studi di Perugia


Converging with his father Francesco’s decision, in November 1931 Edoardo Ruffini refused to take the oath of loyalty that the Fascist regime had imposed on all Italian university professors. Thirty years old, having just been transferred to the University of Perugia to teach History of Italian Law, he was the youngest of the professors who chose not to take the oath. The story of his refusal, and of what followed, also contributes to a better understanding of the phase of transition of Italian society to post-fascism and democracy.

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