The Fellowship between Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli and Quintino Sella at the Accademia dei Lincei in their Unpublished Correspondence 1875-1884
Accademia dei Lincei, Science and Politics, Correspondence G.V. Schiaparelli and Q. SellaAbstract
The correspondence between Quintino Sella (1827-1884) and Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli (1835-1910) from 1875 to 1884, when Sella was president of the Accademia dei Lincei and deputy, highlights interesting aspects of the difficulties he encountered in the project on Rome, capital of science and on the Accademia dei Lincei, emblem of national culture. The harmony of ethical, political and cultural intentions for the progress of the country and the synergies implemented by the two friends led to important results: the great equatorial refractor for the Milan observatory, the Accademia dei Lincei palace, the scientific museums, the national library, foreign members, the prizes, the volumes of memoirs of the two classes and the exchange of publications with the academies of foreign nations. In the epistolary dialogues we can see the sharing of the Humboldtian dream of the unification of cultures, the circulation of knowledge and their enlargment to multidisciplinary fields.