The Faculty of Law at the University of Turin and the Legislative Changes that Shaped the Teaching in the Kingdom of Sardinia during the Risorgimento Period

  • Ida Ferrero Università degli Studi di Torino



The reform of the legal studies brought in by Cesare Alfieri di Sostegno in 1846 was a turning point for the Faculty of law of the University of Turin. This paper aims to underline the contributions given by the professors of law, in particular Felice Merlo, Luigi Amedeo Melegari and Pietro Lugi Albini, to the debate arisen in this field. The analysis highlights their belief of the importance of the legal studies, and details the subsequent legislative changes that shaped the legal cursus studiorum up to the accomplishment of national unity, with a special focus on the Bon-Compagni and the Casati laws.



Legal studies – Legislative reforms-University of Turin

Author Biography

Ida Ferrero, Università degli Studi di Torino
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Saggi e Studi