A MATLAB implementation of TASE-RK methods

  • Dajana Conte
  • Giovanni Pagano
  • Beatrice Paternoster
Keywords: RK methods, TASE preconditioners, TASE-RK methods, MATLAB code, stiff problems


In this paper, we analyze theoretical and implementation aspects of Time-Accurate and highly-Stable Explicit Runge-Kutta (TASE-RK) methods, which have been recently introduced by Bassenne et al. (2021) [5], for the numerical solution of stiff Initial Value Problems (IVPs). These methods are obtained by combining explicit RK schemes with suitable matrix operators, called TASE operators, involving in their expression a matrix J related to the Jacobian of the differential problem to be solved. By analyzing the formulation and order conditions of TASE-RK methods, we show that they can be interpreted as particular linearly implicit RK schemes, and that their consistency properties are independent of the choice of J. Using this information, we propose a MATLAB implementation of TASE-RK methods, which makes use of matrix factorizations and allows setting J according to user preferences.

How to Cite
Conte, D., Pagano, G., & Paternoster, B. (2024). A MATLAB implementation of TASE-RK methods. Journal of Approximation Software, 1(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/JAS/article/view/10816